Donate ✩ TSVA
Make a difference
Why give?
Donors are critical to the immediate success of our program. As we continue our journey, there are costs that are necessary to build a lasting program. Your donations will allow Team Survivor Virginia (TSVA) league administrators to take steps towards providing local youth with great opportunities. Donations will assist with costs such as uniforms, shoes, and equipment, as well as leased gym time for practices and administrative costs. Thereby, your donations go towards helping to keep our fees within the reach of families whose children participate in our programs. Our program's success will rely heavily upon donations. Donors receive special gratitude from the hundreds of families they help as well as our coaches and league administrators.
Our goal is to provide opportunities for our youth by "Achieving Success, One Goal at a Time." Our program has benefited our girls in numerous ways from teaching basic life skills, building self-esteem, applying social skills, making new friends, learning fundamental basketball terminology and skills, to adapting and applying critical drills to playing as a team. This has led to 15 girls receiving college scholarships to various instate and out of state schools. These are skills that will be with these young ladies for many years to come and will help them succeed beyond the basketball court.
We are asking for donations to Team Survivor Virginia (TSVA) as we provide this opportunity for our local youth. Your contribution is greatly appreciated and necessary to aid the girls in reaching their dreams to the next level as well as to back the program in helping them there.
Thank you for your support to our program and for making a difference in young lives!
Team Survivor Virginia League Administrators
President ,Vincent McCord: 540 419-6686
Vice President, R. Keenan Bryant: 540 446-9545
Director of Operations, Renee Williams 540-287-5118
Get started
These donations go towards anything that the girls may need like jerseys, food, transportation and other extracurricular activities !
Anything helps!